Sharon Liang

Company: Bristol Myers Squibb
Job title: Executive Director
Panel Discussion: Navigating IVDR: Biomarker Test Compliance in Clinical Trials 11:20 am
How patient recruitment can be impacted by IVDR What strategies are pharma/labs using to overcome IVDR challenges How biomarker testing will look like (centralised vs decentralised) in the futureRead more
day: Day 2 - Track B (1)
Roundtable Discussion: Advancing Patient Selection & Monitoring Across Therapeutics Modalities in Precision Oncology for Improved Clinical Outcomes 3:55 pm
How can you optimise the use of tumour and blood-based biomarkers for dynamic patient selection? How to address the challenge of biomarker heterogeneity within solid tumors and its impact on accurate patient stratification Why is biomarker assay standardisation critical for clinical adoption, and what collaborative efforts can streamline this process?Read more
day: Day 1 - Track A (2)